These pages are collections of information of the SOLAR SYSTEMS. Most of the information you will find are coming from research papers, experiments and theoretical summaries. We encourage individuals who are interested in SPACE SCIENCE, Aerospace and Astrophysics, Engineering, Space exploration or Physics to go through these pages and gain more knowledge on planets Exploration.

The arrangement of planets on the diagram below is illustrated in a circular manner, due to space dimension of the figure. As you read through this page, the planets are mentioned in the order of distance from the SUN.


Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Here are the list of PLANETS and Links:

MERCURY is the first planet from the SUN, a very small planet, with a diameter of only 3032 miles. It is the closest planet to the SUN, orbiting it at a distance of about 24 million miles. This closeness means that MERCURY is blasted by the SUN’s rays. It takes Mercury 88 days to orbit the SUN. It’s day temperature can reach 800ºF which is more than 4 times hotter than boiling water.

VENUS is the second planet from the SUN, with the same size like that of the EARTH. It orbits the SUN at a distance of about 67.24 million miles. The planet’s surface is mainly flat, but has raised areas which looks like the Earth’s continents.

EARTH is the third planet from the SUN with the same size as that of Venus. The earth is a tiny planet in a vast universe, which contains billions of stars, planets and moon as well as huge areas of space containing other smaller particles. There is no definite proof of how ancient events such as the earth’s formation took place.

MARS is the fourth planet from the SUN. Its half the size of the Earth and orbits the sun at a distance of about 142 million miles, spanding 687 days to do so. Mars is referred to as the Red Planet because of the reddish dust covering its surface. Mars has two moons called Phobos and Deimos, which are madeup of dense dusty formation reflecting the coloration of Mars.

JUPITER is the largest planet. It is the fifth planet from the SUN with a diameter which is 88,695 miles (142,800 Km), more than eleven times the diameter of the Earth. Jupiter is more than 1300 times the size of the earth.

The outer planets consist of JUPITER which is fifth furthest from the SUN. It is a huge ball made almost entirely of gas. Scientist based their idea of Jupiter structure on information from space probes.

SATURN is the sixth planet from the SUN and second largest planet in the Solar System. Its circumference is 74,898 miles around its equator which is nine times wider than the Earth. Saturn orbits the Sun once every 29.5 Earth’s years, at a distance of about 888 million miles.

The planet is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, which are very light gases. This makes Saturn very light in weight. Astronomers believe that Saturn may be similar to Jupiter on the inside, because it also generates its own fierce heat.

URANUS is the 7th planet from the SUN. Uranus is 1,783 million miles average distance from the SUN. It was discovered in the late 17th century and it orbits the sun in a circular motion. It takes Uranus 84 years to orbit the Sun and 17.9 hours to rotate on its axis.

Uranus is presume to have 21 moons, for many years it was thought to have had 15 moons and they may be many more to be discovered.

Uranus consist of metalloids and metallic surfaces which may have been created from combination of freezing liquids and solids many many years ago.

NEPTUNE is the eight planet and was discovered by astronomers John Couch Adams and Urbain Jean LeVerrier. It is slightly smaller than Uranus, and spin once every 19.2 hours. Neptune is about 2,799 million miles from the Sun. It takes about 165 Earth years to complete a single orbit. Neptune can be seen with the naked eyes and better yet, through a telescope.

PLUTO is the smallest and furthest planet from the SUN. It is the ninth planet. Pluto was discovered in 1930 by an American astronomer called Clyde Tombaugh. Pluto is the coldest planet of the solar system with temperature ranging from -120ºF to -300ºF. It has a diameter of 1420 miles and takes 248 years for it to orbit the SUN.

Within are information about the size, the diameter and the time it takes for each to orbit the SUN. These planets are made of rocks, metals and gases. All the planets belongs to the Solar System, but there exists great differences among themselves. Most of the planets were named by astronomers after Greek and the Roman gods. They choose a god to fit each planet’s appearance.

The Planets:

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